The affordable range of energy efficient smart lights

There is plethora of smart lighting options in the market and most of them will perform all the basic functions you can think of. But, Philips Hue Lights are “smart lights” in its true sense. Philips Hue Lights have a phenomenal range of lights and you can choose the best one as per your requirements.

The magic happens, when you use your smart phone to control the lights.

If you’re searching for smart lights that are cost effective, energy efficient, easy to install and feature loaded, the Philips Hue Lights are the best buy for you.

Philips Hue Lights are AFFORDABLE:

If you are planning to buy new smart lights, a starter kit of Philips Hue will cost you $180, which will have a set of 3 smart bulbs, and a bridge that will supplement the connection of lights to your home.

The bulbs are aesthetically appealing and have enough lighting power to replace a 60 watt conventional bulb. The bulbs save approximately 85% energy and last 10 times longer compared to the conventional bulbs.

Philips Hue Lights are EASY TO SETUP:

Installation of the Philips Hue Lights system is like a cake walk.

Most importantly, the Philips Hue lights fit perfectly into the conventional bulb sockets, so you don’t have to install and invest on the new sockets.

An advanced device that connects your Philips Hue Bulb to you wi-fi is the “Bridge”. The “Bridge” is a part of the starter kit that you buy, or you can get it separately from amazon.

There is quick and simple procedure to install the “Bridge”.

  1. Plug the Bridge Outlet into the electric socket, and turn the switch on.

  2. Now, connect the bridge to your router via an Ethernet Cable.

  3. Finally, download the mobile application Hue Hello, to enjoy the lighting features of your Philips Hue Hello Lights ( Search –“ Hue Hello” on the play store)

You will now see a few instructions and the mobile application will run in a few minutes.

Quick Note: The Ethernet cable needed to connect the bridge and router is not a part of the starter kit and you make have to get one before initiating the installation.

Hue Hello, mobile app offers several control options including multi-scheduling, alarms and much more than many other Hue app does. Many of the features from Hue Hello are free and ready to use after the download.

Philips Hue Lights are ENERGY EFFICIENT:

Saving energy is need of the hour and you can play your role by buying some energy efficient lights that not only save energy, but also money in the long run. Consider simple math, assuming that one conventional bulb runs 1,500 hours whereas the Philips Hue Lights run for 15,000 hours and average

You need 10 Conventional Bulbs against 1 Philips Hue Light for 15,000 Life hours.

10 Conventional Bulbs costing $50 approximately, against Philips Hue Light costing $20, you can save a cost of $30, (you can buy 2 more Philips Hue Lights at this cost ;)) per life cycle.

Moreover, since the energy consumption is reduced to 85% you end-up saving much more the $30 per bulb life cycle. Instead the Philips Hue Lights seem to be earning for you, isn’t so?


Philips Hue Lights are compatible with other smart devices like Amazon Alexa, Apple Home Kit, Google Assistant and Microsoft Cortana. This easy of access enable you to control lights with your voice. How cool it that!!

Though I strongly feel that the Philips Hue Lights can be best controlled by mobile app- Hue Hello. Where the conventional switches will turn the lights on and off, the app allows you to do much more than that, actually making the smart lights “smart”.

So, in all and all, Philips Hue Lights are not only smart but affordable, energy efficient, easy to install with app integration. It is a phenomenal invention that instead of consuming is saving money for you!

Buy them from amazon, NOW!

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